So, anybody got an intact male that wants to make some cute mixed breed babies?
Specifically, half Border Staffy babies?
Because The Pup totally can do that now.
Insert Frowny Face Emoticon here.
My little Pup (who is so totally mortified that I’m going public with this BTW) came in. To season. ALREADY. She’s only nine months old!!! And she’s all scrawny and stunted since I’m trying to keep her undersize!! (Ok, not really. But she is very much like the little gymnasts you always hear about- you know, how physically delayed THEY are.)
Does this mean she is done growing?
That might be one good point.
Anyways though, I knew this was coming… while she hasn’t been total bitch fest like The Dog was in advance of her 'special time,' she certainly was making her Baby Seal Face more. And she barfed the other day. Not that THAT tells us anything, but I still totally knew it was coming soon.
At least it happened before and not AT the show this weekend- now we can prepare to keep her hidden away like they do in other cultures (unlike here where people want to like, openly celebrate it… Woo hoo? Life’s greatest inconvenience has arrived
Wondering now if it isn’t time to start kicking around a new moniker for the little lady…can she still be ‘The Pup’ at this point? We are open to suggestions. I don’t want her to be all ridiculous like Lil’ Wayne, who is what, 100 now? and he still goes by Lil’…
The other question is do I wait now for another cycle or try to spay her in the next few months? I was just all excited because there is an AKC show set for about three days after she turns 15 months, but that would be exactly 6 months from now. Who knows if she will be an ‘on schedule’ girl or not? I mean, she’s already messing with me. Is it still popular to wait two cycles? One side of the mushroom will make you grow taller, while the other will make you grow smaller and all that. Sigh.
As I said, show this weekend where we remember how to run USDAA before the Nationals. Er, World Games.
Full day of ALL tournaments on Friday. That will be unique and exhausting. But the hosts ply us with strudel. The best on the planet.
This is why we do agility shows after all, right?
For the killer strudel.